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Posted by on in General Interest

Carrier Oils act as a medium for essential oils which are very concentrated and are blended into the carrier oil in low dilutions ( 3% ). This means that you will add a maximum of three drops essential oil per teaspoon carrier oil.

Carrier oils are usually extracted from seeds and fruit and are called fixed oils because they are not volatile. The chemical structure of vegetable oils is such that it is easily absorbed through the skin and also has therapeutic properties of its own.

Hits: 5075

Posted by on in General Interest

Hering's Law of Cure states that: "Healing starts from the top, the head, to the bottom, from the inside to the outside, from the major organs to the minor organs, and in reverse order in which they presented."

This can be broken down as follows:

"from the top, the head, to the bottom..."

As healing progresses one will see evidence of this moving from the top of the body to the bottom, e.g. One might experience headaches, then back problems and later athlete's foot during the progression of a cure. This also illustrates that healing moves from the mental to the physical. Energetically, the crown chakra, the chakra representative of ones wisdom and spiritual connectedness is situated at the top of the body, the head, while the base (root) chakra, the chakra representing how at home one feels in ones physical body and how grounded and secure one feels, is situated lower down the body. This also illustrates how healing (cure) would progress from a mental to a physical level. Healing needs to travel down the body through the heart chakra, thus mental healing, then emotional healing and then physical healing is taking place.

Hits: 5075

The inflammatory response is the body's second line of defense if the mechanical(skin) and chemical(sebum, mucus, hydrochloric acid) barriers of the immune system are broken or overcome. The four cardinal signs of inflammatory response are:

1. redness

2. heat

3. swelling


There are however, two very different perspectives as to how and why the inflammatory response comes about, much of which are based on the works of two very different men, Louis Pasteur and Antoine Bechamp.

Hits: 4973